
Character and Theme-focused Screenplay Analysis


Don’t miss out! From December 17th to 21st, we are offering the web streamed version of both our Thelma & Louise and our Kramer vs. Kramer screenbooks for the price of one at the student discount rate of $11.99.

Studies in Gender Role Reversal: <em>Thelma & Louise</em> and <em>Kramer vs. Kramer</em>

Studies in Gender Role Reversal: Thelma & Louise and Kramer vs. Kramer$11.99

Thelma & Louise gives us two women in an action-packed road film, while Kramer vs. Kramer gives us a man in a relatively quiet domestic drama. But each film’s gender reversal goes even further: Thelma and Louise, being female, are expected to simply walk away from an assault, which is something most men would not do, while Ted, being male, is expected to give up caretaking his child, which is something most women would not do. Louise adopts a man’s response by fighting back, while Ted adopts a woman’s response by insisting on being his child’s primary caretaker. It is this juxtaposition of each of these characters’ responses against socially accepted gender roles that directly confronts viewers with their own underlying assumptions. Learn how this effect is created by each film’s underlying screenplay structure in our two-for-one offer of our media-rich, script analysis screenbooks.

From now until December 21st, get our analyses of these two classic studies in gender role reversal for only $11.99 by clicking the button below.

The African Queen

The African Queen: A Screenplay Analysis$15.99

Romance and adventure are woven together in this road-film-on-a-river as Rose Sayer and Charlie Allnut are challenged with inter-relational struggles, natural elements and the formidable foe of a German gunboat.

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Thelma & Louise

Thelma & Louise: A Screenplay Analysis$15.99

Still relevant decades after its release, Callie Khouri’s metaphor-infused screenplay delivers a radical discourse on gender politics in the guise of an action-packed road film.

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Kramer Vs. Kramer

Kramer Vs. Kramer: A Screenplay Analysis$15.99

A unique collaboration between writer/director Robert Benton, producer Stanley Jaffe and lead actor Dustin Hoffman creates an unusually authentic look at the ramifications of divorce while exposing larger questions of gender expectations in parenting.

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Future Screenbooks

These upcoming screenbooks will have even better user experience as media-rich technology continues to advance. To be notified when each new screenbook is released, please subscribe.